
What My Clients
Are Saying

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Depression & Anxiety
Life Transitions

Going into the TRTP sessions, I was open-minded but didn’t get my hopes up because I
didn’t want to be let down. However, I saw so much progress after completing TRTP, not
only with my past trauma but with how I deal with stress and other uncomfortable events
that I need to overcome daily. For example, something quite traumatic happened to me in
my workplace, and using the tools I learned through TRTP, I was able to overcome that
The biggest thing that I overcame through TRTP was my relationship with my father. My
father and I have had a rocky relationship for many years – he wasn’t the best parental
figure which caused a lot of resentment from me. This resentment made it difficult for us to
have a relationship and made spending time with him awkward. But through TRTP, I was
able to dissociate myself from the situations and hardships I faced with him when I was
younger. This created a blank slate. Subconsciously, my resentment faded and suddenly my
relationship with my father became something I cherished. I noticed he was starting to treat
me differently too – like he cared. This was a huge relief; I never thought I’d be able to have
a meaningful relationship with my father.
The main thing that I learned was how I could take control of the things I can affect vs.
getting frustrated over the lack of control I have over others/situations. I recommend TRTP
to anyone who needs to let go of the past and create a clean slate in their life, whether it be
with relationships, physically or mentally.

Nicole, 18

Lauren suggested that TRTP might be life changing for me so let me put it in context. I appeared functional enough, successful enough, recognised in my chosen profession, and appeared to be socially competent and connected. All of this has been hard won in the context of trauma beginning at 26 weeks in uterus with my father’s suicide, the ensuing family trauma and violence and ultimately a dysfunctional marriage that replicated my earlier family violence and trauma.

I had developed coping strategies that saw me survive but not thrive and when Lauren suggested TRTP for me I was anxious as I feared I would be called upon to question, challenge and ultimately relinquish my long standing coping strategies. Nothing could be further from the truth as the process was containing, safe and life changing. Deep seated unconscious beliefs that limited and shaped my expectations, interpretations and experience of the world were subjected to deep scrutiny and identified as not my truth and replaced with empowering beliefs and expectations that honour my true self.

In short, I could not recommend this process more highly as no longer am I in survival mode but rather I am living in such a manner that honours my true self and this has me thriving.

I could not recommend Lauren more highly as I have found her to be sensitive, attuned and skilled in facilitating such a life changing experience.

Therese, 54

How do I thank someone who has helped transform my life? For decades I suffered from bullies, liars, cheats and assault, causing anxiety, pain, frustration, despair, suffering and disappointment and leaving me a mere shadow of my former self. Thanks to you, I now have hope and light!

I decided the best way I can honour what you have done for me is to do everything I can to live the rich, full, free life that you want for me and that I want for myself. I will honour the process by being the best version of myself that I can be, free of the past hurt, pain and suffering.

When I suffered for all those years, I know those around me suffered too, especially my beautiful wife and amazing children. Those whom I love the most I have also hurt, unintentionally, yes, but still hurt nevertheless. By helping me, you have also helped them. I cannot thank you enough.

Lauren you have given me the most precious gift. The gift of freedom. I can now be free from the past, able to move forward, feeling light, positive and free. Finally free. Finally…

Thank you so much again Lauren. I am eternally grateful.

Peter, 59

Since doing TRTP in April 2020, I can say that it has changed my underlying response to my feelings of safety. From the work I’ve done with Lauren using this process, it has given me a calmness and assertiveness I haven’t had before as well as taking away much of the anxiety and rage I felt before. For anyone looking to heal past trauma, I would highly recommend working with Lauren using The Richards Trauma Process.

Eddie, 29

I completed TRTP with Lauren and after the first session began to feel a remarkable difference. With each following session, my anxiety began to subside and now, approximately 10 weeks after the final session, it is amazing how psychologically healthy I have become and am still becoming.

Having undergone a variety of therapies for anxiety and depression I can write without reservation that the TRTP has had the most profound positive impact on my mood and how I live life.

I truly want to thank Lauren for her skill in the facilitation of this wonderful program and I believe that there are many other people in the community that can benefit.

Ester, 59

Lauren facilitated a Psych-K process for me which worked on my beliefs around having a loving and fully accepting partner and that my daughter was supportive and accepting of me being in a relationship. For years, I’ve held myself back as I believed my daughter would have difficulty sharing me with someone.

Within a month of my Psych-K session, I met someone who adores and accepts me fully and to top it off, my daughter really likes him! I still cannot believe the ease I have in this budding relationship and the gift of acceptance from all involved.

Thank you Lauren for helping me to allow this into my life.

Erica, 48

I’m feeling much better and way less anxious when coming across my ex-partner. Being sceptical (of Psych-K) at first, I found the shift in me exceptional. Thank you so much for your exceptional help.

Rachael, 52
Depression & Anxiety

When I started counselling, I was at a low point emotionally and our marriage was at a point where we didn’t want to part company but it seemed like we were heading in that direction.

My husband and I were seeing a different counsellor together and I was a bit cross that my husband felt that I needed individual counselling, like it was my big problem. I felt like I was really putting myself out there and was a bit resentful about it all.

The counselling benefitted us enormously. After two sessions, everything changed around. I started to look at problems differently and more positively. I was able to be realistic about what I needed to do. I felt like Lauren gave me permission to think about and approach things differently; that I wasn’t letting myself down by changing my perspective and acting differently. I could see making changes as something positive rather than the negative way I’d been thinking about it.

Lauren was able to give me lots of strategies to deal with different situations that have been really helpful. Having the opportunity to verbalize and discuss issues with someone independent from my husband and me was really useful. Our relationship is back on track.

Mandy, 51

I came to see you when my relationship had just broken up. I needed to work on my self- esteem, assertiveness and being more in control of my emotions. I found the sessions life-changing in the most positive way. I have definitely improved in all of those areas and am amazed how quickly your techniques worked. I am very grateful to have taken the step to contact you and get counselling and I will be forever thankful for the positive effect you have had on my life. I will definitely be back in future if I need to and it is a comfort knowing that I can call on you if I need some sessions.

Paula, 31

Thank you so much for all of your help these past few months. You have been such a great support during this difficult time . You have added some much needed structure and objectiveness to a very difficult and delicate situation and we will always be grateful. I doubt I would have battled through it for so long otherwise.

CM, 30

Thank you for your support, time and guidance, which have invaluably changed my life. I am deeply grateful to you.

Y, 32
Life Transitions

Thank you for all you have done for me. When I think back I can see just how far I have come with many things in the past year, and that’s thanks to you.

Female, 25

I came to see you when my relationship had just broken up. I needed to work on my self- esteem, assertiveness and being more in control of my emotions. I found the sessions life-changing in the most positive way. I have definitely improved in all of those areas and am amazed how quickly your techniques worked. I am very grateful to have taken the step to contact you and get counselling and I will be forever thankful for the positive effect you have had on my life. I will definitely be back in future if I need to and it is a comfort knowing that I can call on you if I need some sessions.

Paula, 31

Lauren has literally helped transform my life. I went to see her at a time of incredible vulnerability, and under her care I blossomed into someone who is confident, thriving and happy.

Lauren gave me hope during a very unpredictable time in my life. Amidst all the uncertainty however, I was sure of one thing: Lauren’s professional support. This knowledge afforded me a lot of peace of mind. Lauren was someone I could rely on. She was always kind to me and fostered a very safe counselling environment. Within this environment, she challenged me to examine and evaluate my thoughts and beliefs, encouraged me to celebrate my triumphs and learn from my losses.

Lauren helped me take away meaning from the turbulence. By making me aware of my strengths and capabilities, she helped me empower myself. I enjoyed my counselling sessions with her- often they were fun. She built a wonderful rapport with me, and never judged me. She also demonstrated great cultural awareness and sensitivity, as I am not originally from Australia, which makes her quite different and unique from other counsellors I have encountered. I think Lauren is an excellent mental health professional and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

AK, 23

Thank you so much for all of your help these past few months. You have been such a great support during this difficult time . You have added some much needed structure and objectiveness to a very difficult and delicate situation and we will always be grateful. I doubt I would have battled through it for so long otherwise.

CM, 30

Thank you for your support, time and guidance, which have invaluably changed my life. I am deeply grateful to you.

Y, 32

I came to see you when my relationship had just broken up. I needed to work on my self- esteem, assertiveness and being more in control of my emotions. I found the sessions life-changing in the most positive way. I have definitely improved in all of those areas and am amazed how quickly your techniques worked. I am very grateful to have taken the step to contact you and get counselling and I will be forever thankful for the positive effect you have had on my life. I will definitely be back in future if I need to and it is a comfort knowing that I can call on you if I need some sessions.

Paula, 31

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