
Thank you for your support, time and guidance, which have invaluably changed my life. I am deeply grateful to you.

Y, 32

When I started counselling, I was at a low point emotionally and our marriage was at a point where we didn’t want to part company but it seemed like we were heading in that direction. My husband and I were seeing a different counsellor together and I was a bit […]

Mandy, 51

Lauren suggested that TRTP might be life changing for me so let me put it in context. I appeared functional enough, successful enough, recognised in my chosen profession, and appeared to be socially competent and connected. All of this has been hard won in the context of trauma beginning at […]

Therese, 54

I experienced significant daily anxiety from traumas dating back to my childhood. I had Lauren’s TRTP work recommended to me and several months on I am still amazed by how much more free I feel! The process was such a powerful experience and I believe it was Lauren’s passionate and […]

Kristy, 35

Thank you very much for your help – we both thought our sessions with you were very valuable and helpful to us in re-establishing our relationship.

A, 53 & D, 55

I completed TRTP with Lauren and after the first session began to feel a remarkable difference. With each following session, my anxiety began to subside and now, approximately 10 weeks after the final session, it is amazing how psychologically healthy I have become and am still becoming. Having undergone a […]

Ester, 59

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