The Richards Trauma Process, TRTP™
Do you want to be free from anxiety, depression, fears, stress, shame, discontent, feeling not quite right within yourself?
Is it hard for you to feel joy and contentment?
Do you struggle with not really knowing who you are? With not feeling good enough or worthy?
Would you like to live a life free from what is holding you back?
If you’ve answered yes to the above questions, then TRTP™ may be the answer you are looking for
So What Exactly is TRTP™?
TRTP™ is a simple yet comprehensive step-by-step process which resolves extreme trauma and trauma-related issues – anxiety, depression, fears and phobias. It achieves results quickly, effectively and safely – generally in 3 sessions.
TRTP™ will help you to:
- discover and connect to your true self
- change self-limiting unconscious core beliefs to positive self-enhancing ones
- transform traumatic memories and distressing past events
- create a positive future with the freedom to be vibrantly alive.
“TRTP™ is a unique and dynamic process that uses a rich and sequenced series of steps to achieve powerful transformation.”
“It achieves results quickly, effectively and safely – generally in 3 sessions.”
How Does TRTP™ Work?
TRTP™ uses dynamic imagination to free you from the on-going impact of the traumatic and distressing events in your life. The memory of the trauma is placed firmly in the past and moves you from the belief that ‘I’m not safe’ to ‘It’s over, I’m safe now.’ Calm returns on all levels and symptoms cease.
Going into the TRTP sessions, I was open-minded but didn’t get my hopes up because I
didn’t want to be let down. However, I saw so much progress after completing TRTP, not
only with my past trauma but with how I deal with stress and other uncomfortable events
that I need to overcome daily. For example, something quite traumatic happened to me in
my workplace, and using the tools I learned through TRTP, I was able to overcome that
The biggest thing that I overcame through TRTP was my relationship with my father. My
father and I have had a rocky relationship for many years – he wasn’t the best parental
figure which caused a lot of resentment from me. This resentment made it difficult for us to
have a relationship and made spending time with him awkward. But through TRTP, I was
able to dissociate myself from the situations and hardships I faced with him when I was
younger. This created a blank slate. Subconsciously, my resentment faded and suddenly my
relationship with my father became something I cherished. I noticed he was starting to treat
me differently too – like he cared. This was a huge relief; I never thought I’d be able to have
a meaningful relationship with my father.
The main thing that I learned was how I could take control of the things I can affect vs.
getting frustrated over the lack of control I have over others/situations. I recommend TRTP
to anyone who needs to let go of the past and create a clean slate in their life, whether it be
with relationships, physically or mentally.
Nicole, 18
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
TRTP™ is conducted over 3 double sessions.
Session 1
In Session 1, we transform the underlying, negative unconscious core beliefs that keep you stuck in self-limiting patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour. By changing these in the first session, self-sabotage is avoided in subsequent sessions. We introduce you to your true self. This is a wonderful session that is often life-changing on its own.
Session 2
This is a powerful, effective and safe session where we deal with the impact of the trauma or distressing events in your life. We take the emotional charge out of the past so that you are no longer triggered. We do this without any re-traumatising.
TRTP™ addresses symptoms as well as the underlying cause of the trauma, safely removing the emotional charge from your past and returning you to a state of empowerment and calm. You will know on all levels that ‘It is over and I’m safe now.’
Session 3
This is the session where we check on your progress and build on the strength, power and wisdom you’ve realised within yourself. This is the session in which you create a future where you can move forward confidently and positively in your life.
How Do I Know if TRTP™ is Right for Me?
You may exhibit PTSD symptoms (post-traumatic stress disorder) such as those described below or you may have milder symptoms or just feel not quite right within yourself.
Check out the list below and see if any of this applies to you.
Do You Struggle with…
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Flashbacks to a traumatic event or time in your life
- Intense distress or upset when reminded of the event or period of trauma/distress
- Body pain you can’t explain
- Intense anger or rage
- Feeling numb or emotionally detached from others
- Constantly on red alert or hyper-vigilant (waiting for something to go wrong or looking for danger)
- Easily startled
- Finding it hard to focus
- Sleep problems
- Outbursts of anger, irritability, or aggression
Have You Experienced…
- Childhood trauma
- Sexual assault
- Life-threatening accidents
- Physical and/or psychological abuse
- Bullying
- Domestic or family violence
- Witnessing traumatic events
- Grief and loss
- Trauma related to childbirth (your own birth experience or giving birth)
- Any other distressing events
“You may not even be aware of this but it is happening on an unconscious level and drives your responses to your everyday life.”
What is Trauma?
You don’t have to have experienced prolonged or extreme trauma or distress in order to benefit from TRTP™. Milder symptoms of depression and/or anxiety respond really well to TRTP™. We’ll have a chat to determine if this process is right for you.
What Comes After?
You may want to continue with further sessions where I can continue to support you with positive integration of the changes into your life after the sessions.
Do I Have to Come to You for the Sessions?
The wonderful thing about TRTP™ is that it works just as well online as it does in person.
TRTP™ Videos:
Watch the videos below for a short explanation about TRTP™ by Judith Richards: